Thursday, January 21, 2010


The other day an individual asked a very interesting question.  “Nicole, why would you say people hate you?”  I wondered, “Wow, I can’t believe he asked me that crazy question. Why would he ask me, I’m not a mind reader? At that moment, I had two options, ignore, or respond to the question!  If you know me, then I don’t even have to tell you that I chose the latter! ~TICKLE~ “They Hated Jesus without a cause, and I’m his humble servant, so they will hate me without a cause as well, I responded! "

I have always wondered what actually goes on in the mind of a Hater:

  • How does one justify the sick and twisted behavior? 
  • When a negative thought emerges, exactly what do they experience mentally and physically?
  • How does one determine whom he or she will hate? 
  • What are the characteristics of a Hater?
  • Lastly, Is there a Hater Resolution?

Well, the Urban Dictionary provides various levels, and Hater behaviors; one who exposes imaginary flaws, speaks badly with the attempt to knock someone DOWN a notch, completely DISMISS ANY positive traits or actions, MERELY paints a LESS than flattering picture by using words with negative connotations attached, pretends to act happy for other’s SUCCESSES, and than gossips.  Anyone who hates on another person for GOOD reasons, and finds satisfaction in another’s MISFORTUNE.  They create special links in groups, and fuel each other’s hatred by hating with like minds, all consumed with making others feel inferior or awful.

Physically, Hating may be a form of stress relief.  They seem to experience a brief state of happiness, temporary high, or a state of euphoria.  They take DELIGHT in hurting people to build one’s own ego.  Most seem to become addicted to the state of euphoria.  The Merriam Webster dictionary defines hate as, an intense hostility and disgust usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury motivated by hostility.  Wow, that’s strange!  If one possesses feelings of fear, anger, or hostility, and hasn’t learned to deal with those emotions effectively.  Most likely, that individual will transform into a Hater, because to remove oneself from a Hater’s mentality temporarily, one must find joy through feeding from the never-ending source of negativity!  Now, I get it, they’re miserable people searching for JOY!   When you think about it, there’s never a bad reason, to hate!  People don’t hate on individuals who they feel are beneath them, oh no, they don’t even get a thought!  In their minds, they’re non-existent! They must hate on someone who physically or materially possess something they lack.  Someone they feel is superior, leaving them feeling inferior, in their distorted minds.  Sadly, they do not realize that we’re all made equal. 

They possess PhD’s in Hater Communications, and later establish lifelong careers within the various Hater’s departments. ~TICKLE~  I must admit, some are highly equipped, extremely successful, and should never be underestimated.  On a good note, this leads me to conclude that happy, joyous, and content people do not hate.  They don’t have a need too.   This is probably why they uplift, shine, reflect positive energy, associate with like minds, and possesses something Haters aren’t privy too.  Well, favor ain’t fair!   Wow, if I reflect, I don’t think I have ever in my life, encountered a person in a state of awareness hate on someone.  Now, that’s a revelation!   Now, how does one justify the sick and twisted behavior?  Well, their self-talk deceives them into believing that they have a justifiable cause, meaning they have a good reason.  At other times, they hate in groups.  You see, if they gather in groups, the negative energy escalates, and emerges into a Mighty Mighty force against their victims.  Together they stand powerful, justified, and quite satisfied as they feed off each other like vicious sneaky snakes.  The characteristics of a Hater could be classified as; insecure, lack confidence, drive, education, self-esteem, spirituality, morals & values, conscious, self-love, empathy, sympathy, positive inner light, and etc. They’re unconscious, unaware, uninformed, miserable, unhappy, always complaining, arguing, going through something, blaming someone else for their dubious behaviors, making excuses, and justifying why they’re living beneath their privilege.  They are truly sad, and playing on the wrong team. 

Now, how does a Hater transform?  First, mind your own business!  Stop using others to distract you from focusing on self, it takes a lot of energy to face and accept ones truth.  Focus on developing intrapersonally and spiritually.  Work on healing within, whatever’s going on is a personal problem that should be addressed  and revealed.  If the problem remains hidden or suppressed then you’ll inflict your wrath of evil on everyone around.  You’ll become everyone’s downfall.  Slowly, you’ll discover that you are losing friends, mates, associates, family members, and most of all your soul.  Remember, you don’t really hate anyone but yourself, what you need to do is stop hating yourself without a cause!!!!!! At the end, it’s all about how you feel about yourself as a person.  Intrapersonal development is the key to enlightenment.  It’s time to rise up out of the dark and allow God to lead you into the light.  Take responsibility, search within, and make a change.  If not, you will discover, while hating on other’s you are not doing anything but hating on yourself, because you do not have a reason to hate.  The people you continue to hate on will continue to press on successfully.  Question, how long will you allow fear, anger, and rage to take control of your life?  Love provides you with a greater experience.  You are truly missing out! Love is the greatest of all things!  Fear of change, acceptance and success is the enemy!  Stop hating people without a cause, or for their good cause?  The Devil is a Hater!  Don’t hate congratulate!  Shame on you!  Now that you've been placed in a box, and defined , you can be overthrown and Mastered!  You lost your power!  

Authoress: Nicole McGill

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Materialistic girl what has your Man really done for you lately? "Physical vs Spiritual?"

What can a man do for me?
What determines a good man?
How do you know if the man you’re seeking is worthy of you?
How do you truly know if he’s the love of your life?

These are questions that friends and I have asked others and ourselves at some point. Have you asked the same questions? Are you presently asking these questions? If so, then stop asking and listen closely! This morning, I was inspired to write to note after opening, Angela Marie Trotter’s email note based off her personal experience. She stated, “It's not about what a man can PHYSICALLY do for you, but what he can SPIRITUALLY do for you.” The statement, touched my spirit man, and reminded me of a time I measured a man’s love by the material things he provided. “Girl, I know he loves me, he buys me whatever I want. There aren’t any limits to his pockets! I’m the coldest, and he better act like he knows, what it do, and give me that money, okay, I stated?” Girlfriends, agreed! We were aware that, money couldn’t buy love. However we were unaware that by doing so, we were actual participants selling our bodies and souls to the Devil.

Our perception/vision distorted! Not realizing that we were victims bound to men whom lacked substance, we honored and cherished men who LACKED strong values. We had LOW standards. Our so-called TEN, was an enlightened woman’s ONE! They valued spirituality! We valued physicality! Wives, girlfriends, lovers, mates, whatever the title, have been guilty of choosing the wrong mates at some point in their lives. We’ve bragged about his wealth, attempting to prove to others and ourselves that he’s a good man. Only deceiving ourselves, because at the end of the day! We had to face the truth of his character; cheater, manipulator, unappreciative, breaker of spirit, abuser, user, insensitive, uncompassionate, mentally & spiritually selfish, withdrawn, unstable, bad temper, vindictive, unbecoming narcissistic qualities. Most men physically capable possess at least one of the mentioned damaging characteristics that could result in the breaking of a woman’s spirit. Most refuse to admit that the outer qualities they value comes along with a massive mental and spiritual price tag! They’re bound to the Mighty Dollar! The Illusion or Fake Picture of Love, controls their minds and actions. Leaving them spiritually empty, without passion, and drive, to discover and strive for a purpose-filled life.

Presently, as a renewed more enlightened woman my motto is, “Whatever He can do, I can do for myself, I don’t need a man financially. I’m credentialed up and more than capable of providing for my family. I need a man that’s going to uplift my spirit. I’m woman enough to admit that I need a man to feed my soul. Motivate, inspire, me to strive for my God-given greatest. With him, everything is possible, because he places God first in his life. Only this man can be trusted, because his flesh doesn’t rule. His spirit man is his guide! God is his guide! He’s LESS likely to misguide you into the wrong direction. You should expect him to bring out the BEST in you, not hinder your spiritual, mental, or physical development. He’s not going to request you to become a kept woman, if that’s not what you desire, or create division between friends and family. If you lack purpose, he will help discover your purpose. As a supporter, he knows what your spirit desires before you even have to ask. With him, there are NO excuses, justifications, and inner need for material things to gratify your heart for a MOMENT. With him, there is peace of mind, confidence, high esteem, passion, purpose, strong will, drive, loving kindness, patience, agape love, comfort, security, faith, sense of completion. The Bible states, “When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing!” This is true! However, it’s doesn’t speak against choosing your mate in return. Just because a man chooses you, doesn’t mean you must choose him in return. It’s important to select a righteous man. With a Mighty Spiritual man, there is God! Ladies, the next time you decide to brag about your man, make certain you truly have something of substance to brag about pertaining to him! You may impress friends and associates that lack substance, but you will not appear impressive to those enlightened. Sadly, you will appear, bound, lost, broken, led astray, unaware, and a woman who lacks substance.

Victorious ones envision Victory!

Authoress: Nicole McGill
CEO/President of Victorious Visions Inc.