Thursday, March 11, 2010

“Homeless Angel”

Most will glance at this photo and see a NOBODY! They WILL devalue the existence of her soul by calling her degrading names such as, crack head, bum, crazy, homeless drug addict, mentally ill, mental case, low-life, a waste of space on this God-given earth! They'll feel justified by detaching themselves from the very existence of her being.  They'll dehumanize her by simply disregarding individuality, aspects of her interesting personality, special God given gifts, and even her ability to display compassion towards others. In their minds, she’s not human!  Inadvertently they'll disassociate her from the human race! Some will possess more compassion for their dogs! I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t do that!”  Sure you don’t!  Anyway, some do this by referencing her as if she’s an IT, or OBJECT possessing little or no meaning. Her mere presence alone will bring unjustified reproach upon the value of her soul by those who deem themselves superior.  I ponder! “Why & How do some pick and choose who they will value? When they look at her what do, they actually see?  An enlightened friend made a profound statement. “This is a picture of all of us, Ken stated!”  Most will disagree!  If you think about it for a moment don't we all have something in common with the Homeless Angel! You may want to ponder.         

Dehumanization is an action that humans take to disassociate themselves from what they claim as, lesser beings. They utilize negative labels to classify individuals as inferior or superior, incomparable entities, and objects lacking identity. Dehumanization is an evil tactic! Prejudice perspectives, pre-conceived notions, and bias are at it’s core.  I recognize the spirit as hateful! Most claim, “I wouldn’t say I hate homeless people!  I care!  I’m just tired of their games!  Most are liars, on a mission to trick me out of my money.  They’re too lazy to work! Some have more money than I do!  They don’t have to be homeless. There are pads, shelters, and other community outreaches available!  I’ll pray for them but I’m not going to give them any money. They might be dangerous!  I’m not going to initiate a conversation, or go out my way to display love. No one helped me and I made it!  This is a world where only the fittest survives.  Everyone has to play a role, even if it’s the homeless role!”  These are just a few of many justifications. They all sound good.  They even make sense to the most intelligent minds.  However, justifications are just that, justifications!  I place no value on them at all. There is no justification that justifies this type of dubious behavior or frame of reference! 

John F Hannah prophesied earlier this year that 2010 was the year of Divine Connection, the year of action!  Well, at about seven o’clock pm March 7, 2010 in a mini mall parking lot in the influential suburb of Homewood, Illinois! I spotted the “Homeless Angel” sitting in a small section of grass with a plastic bag protecting her head from the cold.  She sat silently alone! Next to her were all of her belongings organized very neatly. As I waited, on a friend, I watched her for a while!  “How does she feel out here in the cold all alone?  Does she feel loved?  Is she devastated, broken, bruised, and depressed?  Is she hungry? Does she feel burdened?  Does she feel as if God has forsaken her?  Does she still believe in God? Is she angry? Does she hate everyone? What has life dealt her, and how did she get here on this day? Does anyone love her, I pondered!” As I continued to watch, my focus shifted to the passengers! I watched for nonverbal and verbal clues of compassion and concern. No one stopped! They glanced!  Two out of about forty vehicles slowed down. She was sitting in eyesight view for all to observe.

After about fifty minutes, my spirit led me to approach the Homeless Angel. My presence startled her I could tell by the look on her face.  I said, “Hello, how are you tonight?  I don’t mean to frighten you.  My name is Nicole McGill. I’ve been watching you from over there in my vehicle. I came over because I’m concerned!  Are you okay?” The Beautiful Homeless Angel responded articulated and gracefully, “Baby Jesus protects and loves me! We’re so close! He’s right here! He’s with me everywhere! He gives me everything! I love him so much!” I won’t lie! Her response took me for a loop! Suddenly, I looked around in search for all of the material things she claimed Baby Jesus provided. You should’ve seen my face! At that moment, I appeared foolish! With my eyebrow raised, I asked, “Why do you still love God?”  The Homeless Angel looked at me as if she was in the presence of the Devil himself.  So, I elaborated!  “I’m just asking because you’re sleeping out here in the cold! You’re alone and you don’t have many things, I asked!” The Angel responded, “I’m not alone! I told you Baby Jesus is here!  He’s with me all of the time!  He never leaves! I have everything!” I asked, “You do?” As she extended her hands to the heavens with a great big smile on her face she declared, “He loves me so much and I love Baby Jesus!” With a startled look, I proceeded to say, “This is amazing, I know people who were blessed endlessly with material things and they lack the faith that you have for our Heavenly Father! This is crazy!  You seem to have more faith than I!”  At that point, my friend rode up and the conversation ended. I promised to return later that night. 

At around 3 am I was in the bed but my spirit refused to rest. I had given the Homeless Angel my word to return. So, I got up went into my closet searching for something warm. All I could think about was when she admitted sleeping in the Home Depot shed!  My heart hurt for the Angel!  I grabbed the items, purse, car keys, and I search for her in the same parking lot.  She was there but in a different location. When she noticed it was I, she smiled. “I knew you would return. Baby Jesus told me you would come back to get the message! He sends me around. I travel all over just to give his people messages! You know I heard about the Indians claiming that Baby Jesus will return in the year 2012!  I’m waiting on him to return!”   I asked, “You are?  She nodded!  I went into my car, retrieved my 2,500 fur coat, and a pair of pants to give to my Homeless Angel.  I handed her the coat! With excitement in her eyes she asked, “Is it real?” I responded, “Yes it is! I wanted you to have it to keep warm.  Also, I wanted you to know that I love you so much!”  She looked at the coat and at me and responded, “I don’t need it where I’m going!”  So, I insisted that she take it to either sleep on top of it as a blanket or use it as a pillow!  “No, Baby Jesus told me that you would return with a hotel key so that I can sleep warm tonight, she declared!”  I asked, “Did he?  She nodded!  So, I went into my pocket and handed her the hotel key! She screamed with joy, “I told you, Baby Jesus takes care of me Nicole! Baby Jesus and I are close! He gives me everything!”             

I don’t expect for those who aren’t spirit lead to understand this spiritual encounter in its depth! My prayer is that one day soon you will reach this beautiful state of enlightenment, a place where you will search to discover the God in all things. When I look at the photo of the Homeless Angel, I see a Mighty Woman of God! I see beauty at its rawest form! I see the eyes and feel the soul of an Angel! I see beyond her dirty raggedy attire, wrinkles, pimples, stained teeth, and disgusting odor. Her physical appearance and underprivileged state did not hinder me from embracing, loving, and receiving the message God intended. Humans self-professed Professionals would clearly diagnose her with a mental illness. I ask, “By whose standards?” Christel, my sister claimed, “Those deemed mentally ill are usually the enlightened ones! They’re more aware than the majority! They can’t reside in the midst of a civilization of hatred and evil. Most are too sensitive to live amongst such darkness!” I concur! The Homeless Angel was more enlightened than anyone I’ve ever met in my life! Her faith in God was so strong! I could’ve sworn that she could actually see God! She was more sane then the insane! I won’t share all of the messages God utilized the Homeless Angel to deliver. They’re too personal! You can assume, or receive your own messages from my spiritual encounter its up to you! Maybe, God’ utilizing me to provide you with a message as well, I don’t know! I have realized on this spiritual journey that God will use enlightened ones from all walks of life to provide us with messages and blessings! If I would’ve disregard, demeaned, judged, dehumanized the Homeless Angel, I would’ve missed an extremely major blessings. Friends, I pray that you value all of God’s people! God is Love! When the Homeless Angel spoke, the Lord spoke!  To God Be the Glory!     



  1. you are truely amazing! day after simply amaze me. yes! this story carries much value and many messages....

    thank you Nicole

  2. As Salaam Alaikum, My Dear Sister, I am honored that you shared such a Blessed Lesson, I am humbled by your offering and I thank Allah (God) for your fearless spirit of His Love and openness to share such an experience that I and hopefully others may be enriched. May you continue to be Guided to stand and allow Him to speak through you.

  3. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I will comment on your sisters quote from the article:

    “Those deemed mentally ill are usually the enlightened ones! They’re more aware than the majority! They can’t reside in the midst of a civilization of hatred and evil. Most are too sensitive to live amongst such darkness!”

    "An insane person can live in a sane environment because they're insane. But a sane person can't live in an insane enironment too long before they too become insane." I believe the Author is Carl Jung.

    I have a testimony too that I won't get into, but keep doing what you're doing.

    DeJuan Shears, Sr.

  4. DeJuan Shears, Thank you. Carl Jung's quote was enlightening and came at the perfect time! I had to ponder. Then, I concurred! I will never ever forget those powerful words! Today, I see with an spiritual eye. I see things clearly. I pray that one day, you bless us with your testimony as well.... Stay Blessed!

  5. Nicole, I was so moved by this story.... Thank you so much.

  6. Dear Nicole: I appreciate your blog and the words that you wrote, not to mention your encounter with the Homeless Angel. However, to describe someone as mentally ill is NOT degrading.

    I am the sibling of a mentally ill man and many people who desperately need mental health services don't seek help for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that needing mental health has been seen as degrading. Your response here is disappointing to say the least. Had we been able to successfully intercept, my brother might be on his way to recovery, instead of in a hospice dying with a disease that could have been cured.

    My brother, and many mentally ill people have issues that are deeply rooted in spiritual discord; psychological problems; and YES, physical material ones. As long as the US practices capitalism, some people - those at the "bottom" wrung of the ladder will lose out. We must work to transform our society so that we can work on behalf of...."the least of these..." As you must know, many people cling to faith as a way of NOT dealing with the rigors of everyday life. Again, I am NOT disparaging her faith, your faith nor mine. I do believe that your response is a "romantic" notion that lacks the depth that the homeless situation in our country needs.

    Your Homeless Angel has many issues, however her faith is not at question here. She is someone's sister, daughter, aunt or perhaps mother. She needs to be inside, honey. OUT OF THE RAIN. OUT OF THE COLD. She may contract illness and hypothermia. Pray for her and with her and talk with her. But, the truly spiritual and revolutionary thing to do is try to get her indoors, out of the cold & rain and into a homeless shelter.

    My family and I have helped wherever we can. We help by buying food, clothing, boots, etc. for homeless people...talking with them, praying with and for them AND by assisting them in getting proper shelter.

  7. Anonymous person, my heart and prayers goes out to your brother and family! As you know everyone's perception of a word/symbol or reality is quite different. In saying that, I rejected simply the negative connotation associated to "Homeless Angels with Mental Disabilities!" Unfortunately, as you know they're looked upon as inhuman! Most are unconcerned with their well-being. This is why they're neglected and overlooked by the masses! This is exactly why your brother, the Homeless Angel, and so many others with medical and shelter needs are going without services they deserve as so-called American citizens. This is also why President Obama is working so hard to pass the Health Insurance Bill. This is the same reason why I sent a letter to my Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. TODAY urging him to push the MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLl!!!!! I feel and clothe the homeless as well. The point of this article was not too romantize this American dilemma! No, it was to HUMANIZE less fortunate individuals with disabilities.

    God lead my spirit to write this article so that people would start actually sympathizing with people such as your lovely brother you mentioned. So that they would stop being overlooked, degraded, demeaned, and seen as nothings!!!! I'm sorry but this is America, the land of the selfish & greedy. The Devil is the ruler! This is why most stand ruthless and heartless! People are not going to make the moves needed that you mentioned unless they actually care!!!!! Sister, I'm sorry but most don't! This was one of MY ways of assisting with this essential movement, by triggering human emotions, and making people fully aware of the value of God's people!!! This is what GOD lead my spirit to write about an encounter with a woman you may deem mentally disable but I deem an Spiritually Enlightened Angel! This woman was extremely intelligent & articulate! She was more aware than most! People need to see pass the illness as well. Behind the illness resides a soul! You may not agree but God has utilized this article to impact thousands of lives already. This was his will! Who are we to question the spirit! This was his plan! From the massive responses most were convicted and had to self-reflect pertaining to showing empathy and realizing that we are all equally God's children. Some declared they were going to alter their value systems, as hard as it is in this recession for all of us! We are our brothers keepers! I urge you to continue the fight! As I will continue the fight as well. We all should continue to pray and do our parts! I'm an action type of girl. So please if you have any applicable suggestions, I urge you to tell us what more can we do? In saying that, I pray that God reveals to you his plan, until then, I pray that he provides your family with peace, love, long-suffering, kindness, and patience! To God Be the Glory!

  8. Wow once again you amaze me with your words of wisdom. I am not gonna try and highlight what you said. It was simple and to the point, however I will say I am now a disabled veteran with a mental condition as result of serving this great country. I have issues with some of the rights of our veteran's and aid that is provided I am a lucky one having a rating of 100% and though I am not homeless nor lack medical needs. My heart is no different than let us say the humble Christian American. I am always gratified with your words of making most feel we should be happy with the simple things in life like a bed,hot water,hot food you get the idea. So again thank you for letting your voice be heard to help those less fortunate. Ok so I didn't finish reading the whole story aobut the Homeless Angel but now that I am done let me say Jesus is amoung us and uses those who choose to be used. You have as I have learned some very hard lesson's in life but now I let him be my guide and lead me so I can earn my way into eternal life.
    Your Brother In Christ
    Rudy DeLuna Jr.

  9. Greetings Sister Nicole,

    This is my first visit to your Blog via your Facebook page. I am truly taken and amazed by your amazing writing skills!
    May God continue to bless you with His infinite knowledge, wisdom and understanding as you continue on your life's journey. Your very spirit transcends time, space and the web to touch the hearts, minds and imaginations of all who may be blessed to read your words. "InshaAllah"
    MaddLove 4UAlways,

  10. Heavy stuff. Can't wait until we are working together.

    We should never look down on the homeless, especially those who claim to be believers. All we have to do is remember that Mary and Joseph were a homeless couple. They had to leave their home to be taxed or counted for the census which goes to show you that just because people are spiritual doesn't mean they abandon civic responsibility. Come closer and you will see that this couple was an unemployed father and she was a teenage mother (sound familiar??). They were trying to find a place to have the baby who would take away the sins from the world. We see their hurt, but we don't know their heart. Remember the homeless and not just at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. Thanks Nicole for bringing this to our attention.

  11. What a powerful and spiritually enriching story and message. Thank u for it Nicole. It touched my soul. We place so much emphasis on the accumulation of things, that we lose sight of who we are...whose we are. Society has taught us that our self worth is determined by our net worth. Which is an outlandish and outright lie. Many Americans despise, lack compassion, and won't extend a helping hand to the poor, because they perceive them as failures and losers who are lazy and only want a hand out. The moral of the story is that God can use anyone regardless of their economic misfortune, class, social status, and/or perceived mental state, to accomplish his divine plan. Unfortunately, some of us won't get the blessin in the lesson.

  12. I've been in the homeless shoes before and I lived among them and yet I have come to understand that some enjoy that lifestyle while others would rather have their old lives back, still others is content with being bill free and stress free, but few use their power of reason to live a humble lifestyle so as not to get back into that state of mind and way of living...

  13. Its hard to determine which homless person is sincere about NEEDING the help and those who just beg for a living and they sometimes live better then the person they are begging. So just like those of us who work for a living to make ends meet and put food on our tables, "homeless" people can do the same to get a few dollars for food, wine, drugs, gamble, clothes,...etc but most don't have bills so when I see a begger I look for an "fair exchange, no robbery" if I'm going into a store and its trash on the ground I say if you pick up all the trash by the time I come out I will not GIVE you my money but I will PAY you for what its worth or just call it a "donation" of my money for putting in a HONEST days work. Or instead of money ill ask their shoe size and give of my old clothing or go to a Thrift Store and get items that I would wear to help clean up their appearence and because I'm a retired Barber ill offer to groom their hair, in exchange for street cleaning/ snow removel/ lawn care...etc. As a result I weed out the real "homeless" in need from the imposters who see how much a ROUGH looking person with a "PLEASE HELP" sign can make in just a few hours during rush hour with a average dollar here a dollar there from kind hearted(in no cent) persons just wanting to help. Just for the record some of them have more "pocket money" then the average hard working family man at the end of the day. Remember as I said I used to live among them do to a debouched lifestyle and I seen this with my own eyes.

    Yet, one thing is for sure I learned a lot from both the real and the fake homeless persons just to add to Nicoles words those who are deemed mentally ill are most likely the enlighten ones, so spend time getting to know the story of the homeless person and you may get enlighten as well on any subject and as a result then PAY for the lesson taught, via money, clothes or if you are not ashamed to be seen in public with them treat them to a meal while you get to know they a exhomeless person who is now clean both on the inside and out I admit it took someone showing me love when everybody esle turned their backs on me for me to find value from inside and change my way of thinking and living...yes an Angel with a HOME helped me, a exhomeless smart, brokenhearted, depressed person.

    "HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!"...will you be a vessel for Gods Angel? Will you be a Angel with a home to help a "HOMELESS ANGEL"?
    (Hebrews 13:2 Matthew 25:35-40). Pray for wisdsom to weed out the sheep from the goat, and invite a friend two is better then one don't try and do all the work by yourself after you do your part let the next person do there's by using what resources they have.

    LOVE IS A PERFECT BOND OF UNION -Colossians 3:14
